The SDR is an international reserve asset and it gives countries the right to exchange SDRs for freely usable currencies to supplement their international reserve holdings. 特别提款权是一种国际储备资产,它给予成员国权利,可以将特别提款权兑换为可自由使用的货币来补充国际储备。
Fund flow data for emerging markets more generally show a return to the asset class coincident with and since the Federal Reserve announcement. 新兴市场资金流入数据大致表明,自美联储(Fed)宣布推出QE3以来,国际资金重新回到该资产类别。
The locals see capital inflows driving up asset prices, says Dino Kos, who recently joined Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 最近刚从纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)离职并加盟摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)香港业务的迪诺•科斯(DinoKos)表示:当地人看到资本流入正推高资产价格。
Rates of Asian consumer and asset price inflation, together with global commodity price trends, have begun to display strong correlations with foreign exchange reserve growth. 亚洲消费价格与资产价格上涨速度,以及全球大宗商品的价格趋势,已开始显现其与外汇储备增长之间具有很强的相关性。
The US Congress had to adopt the Troubled Asset Relief Programme, used to recapitalise all banks in a coercive way, and the Federal Reserve implemented its series of quantitative easing. 美国国会不得不出台问题资产救助计划(tarp),强制所有银行进行资本重组,而美联储(fed)则实施了一系列的定量宽松政策。
The Study on the Asset Allocation of Chinese Foreign Exchange Reserve Based on Stochastic Programming Model 基于随机规划模型的我国外汇储备资产配置问题研究
The elements were: support for the financial system – through the troubled asset relief programme, inherited from the previous administration, financial guarantees and stress tests on banking institutions; the fiscal stimulus; and the actions of the Federal Reserve to sustain the flow of credit. 具体元素是:向金融体系提供支持&通过继承上届政府的不良资产救助计划(Tarp);针对银行机构的金融担保以及压力测试;财政刺激;以及美联储(Fed)保持信贷流动的措施。
It's essential to solve thoroughly the shortcomings existing in state-owned commercial bank s asset safeguard so that the reserve strength for development can be accumulated to meet the challenge of our country's entry into WTO. 我国加入WTO后,国有商业银行资产保全上存在的缺陷,必须从根本上加以解决,才能积累发展后动迎接入世挑战。
This paper discusses several issues such as the calculation of depreciation amount per month, the shift from double balance descending method to beeline method, the calculation of depreciation amount after the devaluation of fixed asset and the accountancy transaction after the devaluation reserve etc. 本文就加速折旧法月折旧额的计提、双倍余额递减法转直线法、计提固定资产减值后折旧额的计提及减值准备转回后的会计处理等问题进行了探讨。
As a significant national financial asset, foreign exchange reserve should give attention to its security, liquidity and profitability. 外汇储备作为国家重要的金融资产,需要兼顾安全性、流动性和盈利性。
Transactions of physical contribution and asset revaluation gains should be recorded at the actual value with deductions for future income tax, also as Reserve Funds of Capital Surplus. 在发生接受捐赠实物资产业务和资产评估增值业务时,应按捐赠实物资产价值和资产评估增值款扣款未来应交的所得税,暂计资本公积准备项目。
On the other side, based on the analysis of the present situation, the paper tries to give suggestions for the reserve currencies and asset's management referring to the principle and methodology of international foreign exchange reserve management. 另一方面结合国际管理原则和方法,对我国外汇储备目前日常管理的重点&结构管理进行研究,在分析现状的基础上对外汇储备的币种组合管理和资产组合管理提出相应的完善措施。
Especially after 1990, the constant enlargement of the scale of our capital market, the constant improvement of residents 'asset reserve, and the further promotion of the system reform, have increased the uncertainty of the social environment, made the consumption of residents more perspective. 特别是1990年以后,资本市场规模的不断扩大,居民的资产存量的不断提高,另一方面,体制改革的进一步深化,增加了社会环境的不确定性,使人们消费的前瞻性加强。
Finding an investment benchmark is the urgent requirement for offering reference for our asset allocation of foreign exchange reserve. 我们迫切需要建立一个外汇储备的投资基准,为我国外汇储备的资产配置提供借鉴。